Website Business Hosting

What is Business Hosting?

Business hosting is Linux Hosting (with cPanel), but with the power and resources of a private server without the need for a server administrator. Otherwise it’s the same cPanel experience as shared hosting.

What’s the difference between Linux shared hosting, business hosting, and a VPS?

  • Shared hosting is an inexpensive way to get your sites up on the web.
  • A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is more powerful, but costs more than shared hosting, and requires experience with server administration.
  • Business hosting is a balance between the two, offering the power of a VPS with the ease of shared hosting.

You can use this chart to see the major differences between each type of Linux hosting:

Shared HostingBusiness HostingVPS Hosting
Level of technical skillsBasicBasicAdvanced – knowledge of WHM and Linux command line needed
Suited forBasic websites, low resource applicationsE-commerce, high traffic or data-intensive sites and applicationsResource intensive web apps, full control of the server, ability to customize
Site VisitorsLow to moderateHighHigh
PlatformLAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)LAMPLAMP (Can install and use others such as NGINX, Node.js, Ruby on Rails)
Control PanelcPanelcPanelcPanel and WHM
Root AccessNoNoYes
Dedicated IP AddressNo13 or more
Snapshot BackupsNoNoYes

Web Hosting Account Types and Tiers

The account types are:

  • Linux Hosting with cPanel: Linux OS (operating system) on the server, with cPanel access through the account Dashboard. You install apps like WordPress yourself, using cPanel.
  • Managed WordPress Websites: We’ll install WordPress for you, with access to WordPress through the account Overview.
  • Business Hosting: Linux OS, with cPanel access through the account Dashboard. Includes more dedicated resources than Linux Hosting. You install apps like WordPress yourself, using cPanel.
  • Windows Hosting with Plesk: Windows OS, with Plesk access through the account Dashboard. You install apps like WordPress yourself, using Plesk.

Tiers (Economy, Deluxe, Ultimate, and so on) represent the features that come with your hosting plan – the higher the tier, the better the features.


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