Domain Name

How to find a perfect domain name

Picking the perfect domain name is a crucial step of your online adventure. If you have an idea to get online or a great name for your website, we recommend registering the domain immediately before anyone else does. Your domain will be used for your website and email, and establishes your online identity. A great domain can also increase branding, marketing and communication opportunities.

Search for your domain on HELLO ADVERTISING homepage in the domain search field. When you find the domain you want and it’s available to register, add it to the cart and complete checkout.

Some domain names may come back with a price higher than expected. These domains are known as premium domains, and they are considered valuable domain real estate. Premium domains might be more expensive, but the benefits often make up for the initial cost investment.

If the domain you requested is already registered, we provide available alternative spelling and extensions. For example, you might be able to select a .info or .net extension, rather than .com. Or you can review domains with extensions unique to your idea, such as .studio or .design.

We also offer Domain Broker Service as an option to attempt acquiring a domain that is already registered on your behalf. After purchasing the service, our dedicated broker agents will take every reasonable step to attempt to secure the domain on your behalf.

During registration, you’ll need to provide your contact information. ALGORITHM automatically hides your name, street address, phone number and email address in the WHOIS directory for every registered domain name. We strongly encourage upgrading to a higher level of domain protection to further protect your identity and your entire online presence.


You’ll also have the option to purchase email and our Website Builder to build a website during checkout.

Points to Consider while choosing a good domain name

When it comes to a domain name, less is more. Shorter names are easier to remember and to type, which means users are more likely to find you. It’s also easier to stand out when there’s less to read. It’s a good idea not to exceed two or three words.

You want people to remember your domain name and type it accurately. Complicated or uncommon words or names may be hard to remember and spell correctly.

Relevant words help users find you in a search and recognise what you do at a glance. Keywords can include what you do or offer (like “coffee” or “cleaning”), or even your location. Including your location (like “pune”) in your domain name might also help you target local customers and users.

Brand name
Your domain name should reflect your brand, and vice versa. Brands can take time to develop, and including your unique brand name in your domain can help you stand out, gain recognition and increase visits to your website. When creating your brand name and domain name, just be sure not to use any existing brand names or trademarks.

Website name
While it may seem obvious, your domain name should be the same as your brand name, or as close to it as possible. You don’t want to confuse people who type in your domain name and get to a website with a different name.

 Things to avoid while choosing a Domain Name

Some elements could negatively impact how people perceive your domain name, such as:

  • Numbers or dashes in your name. These characters are hard to type and might lower the perceived credibility of your website and business.
  • Funny spellings or words that can be spelled different ways (like “way” or “too”). These might make it hard for people to find your site.
  • Misspellings. These can make your site seem suspicious and make people worry that it’s a phishing or malware site.
  • Brand names and trademarks used by other companies. These should never be used in your domain name. Trying to do so can lead to legal action and suspension of your domain.

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