
Branding is one of the most crucial aspects of any business, large or small. An effective brand can give you a significant recognition in today’s highly competitive market.

At algorithm, we value our clients’ creative identities, and offer solutions that sync with their strategic aspirations.

Driving impactful results

A great brand strategy acts as a guiding light for the brand and all future communication, as well as an objective measure by which to evaluating work and making brand decisions. We walk you through the process of discovery, research and positioning to achieve the expected business results.

Brand Visual Identity
The visual aspects that form an overall brand can leave a strong impression, and we all know first impressions are everything. We work with our clients to articulate their visual identity, logo design, brand imagery and custom iconography.

Brand Voice
A brand’s verbal language is just as important as its visual language. We determine the right tone to interact with your audience to determine successful campaign launches and a genuine relationship between your brand and the community.

Brand Strategy
What is Brand Strategy? We start by developing a foundation built on strong brand pillars. We then define a brand voice that resonates with your audience and garners a following. We communicate with this new found audience and develop a relationship that converts them to consumers and eventually brand loyalists.

Brand Guidelines
Photography and graphical imagery is also a major tone-setter with brands. We explore and establish an overall Art Direction to work across all mediums and platforms. Digital, print and television all work seamlessly under a solid Art Direction.

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